Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Flying High In The Sky

I had a dream last night. I dreamt that I was peering through a window, and looking into this majestic setting of a dining room, I could see a long table, precious stones encrusted, heavily laden with food, food, glorious food. There were cakes, éclairs, truffles, soufflés, macarons, scones filled with jam and cream, the prettiest cupcakes and all the bite-sized of everything chocolaty that you get at Shangri-La during Ramadhan. Notice I only mention dessert. I don’t know why. It could be that I just had something fishy for dinner and subconsciuosly pining for something sweet. But I’m a coffee person, not really much of a dessert freak, so why again is a big question. And why all the food was “England-mali Banyak sombong” – your guess is as good as mine.

But that’s not what this is about. The image of the food table obviously reminded me of Potter’s never-ending banquet dinners at Hogwarts, but what I remembered most about the dream was that I was peering into the window, and the window was 20 feet high. I was floating mid-air. I wasn’t horizontal or sideskirting, and I wasn’t flapping around with wings. I was fully upright, and my feet was squared on the floor of the air, just like it would be on solid land.

It was awesome. At least I think it was. Wait – was the floating part awesome, or salivating the food table awesome. Come to think about it, I honestly can’t remember. But I remembered something was awesome.

The thing is, I don’t dream. I don’t remember of any encounter of waking up in the middle of the night, jolted by a dream. Or waking up in the morning, all smiley faced, basking in the aftermath of a dream. If at all I do dream, then it’s all erased and gone ‘Poof’ by the time my eyes flicker open.

But this thing-of-a-dream lasted quite a while. The thought of me floating in mid-air gave me some sort of adrenalin rush, like a caffeine lift. Then my free-roaming mind would go on a minute detour, and all would be lost. No thanks to my slacking mind control, I could only hold that feeling for a measly few seconds. But even then… syiok ohh…

No wonder Superman, aliens, Puntianaks Sundal Malam and any other creature of nature or supernatural would choose to fly instead of any other mode of transportation. The weightlessness, breeze in your face, hands-free-carefree feeling is toxic.

And I just discovered something. I had fallen asleep watching the first episode of Heroes Season 2 yesterday. The last part was about a boy peering into the girl’s bedroom window. Second floor window, that is, and he was floating mid-air. And I was eating left over birthday cake while watching it.

So, my dream was cetak rompak. But the feeling was real. Maybe if I eat cake, and watch it again tonight, I could feel it again. It’s definitely cheaper than smoking, or injecting heroin or chasing the dragon, or doing whatever it is that people do to get high. Cake and Heroes’ the answer, man...
You fly... You fly high.


Anonymous said...

itu pasal la terbang sama itu "PARAMOTOR" manyak syyiiookkkk wwwooooo....

Anonymous said...

berangan also like flying mah.....

Anonymous said...

abg joe, berangan takyah boh minyak! free...minyak manyak mahal lorr now....

Anonymous said...

kak jah, bukan minyak mahal..kamu yg kurus tak larat nak angkat machine.. :)

Tigress said...

Abg Joe,
Aisay... Why u masuk my rumah? Kacau betul ler... Itu Parasoto tu, olang kaya saja boleh henjoy. Pitih kurang kalu...duduk rumah diam2. Boleh karate Ucin. Psst... gi la kenen PapaNaq suruh bagi lesen. I oso want to fly...

Waah.. U so terror. That means your berangan ability has reached tahap and impak maksimum. Care to share your secret? I spend u at Secret Recipe...

Kak Jah,
Alamak... Gua punya rumah sudah kena attack.. Ini Keluarga 69, gua kena banish into thin air ni. Pi study weii...!

Abg Joe,
Oiitt!! Keluar...Keluar! I nyah you from here! Go and fight in Zosat! Alahai... Sara... H.E.L.P..!!

Anonymous said...

tigress, kak jah kena study?? hmmm...kak jah tak paham ler. rasa nyer ari tu kak jah dah study untuk lepas jadik unit trust agen.
since dah tersebut kat sini, ade sesiapa yang berminat nak beli unit trust dgn kak jah tak?? abg joe ker....

Anonymous said...

Habis lah ur site.. semua org kampung dah berkampung.. sorang jual minyak, sorang jual unit trust... hahahahaah... Semoga berjaya dan berbahagia...

Anonymous said...

Is there really a Kak Jah, whom most of you seem to confuse with the Jah, or is someone impersonating me?

Anonymous said...

sory jah, your name commersil sgt la pulak. from now on "kak jah" is known as "kak anne".

Tigress said...

Kak Jah,
Err.. sorry wrong number. Ni Kak Jah Unit Trust ni, bukan Jah@Worm ye... Ok. Sorry. Ni tengah try usha Abg Joe ke ni? Silakan...silakan...

I know. And u better tell me a way to get them out! The faster the better... Tapi kan... tanya sikit.. awak pun orang kampung Tigress ke?... (*shy..!shy..!)

Yup. I think u've just been impersonated. What were they thinking? Who can beat the unbeatable, undestructible, one and only Jah@Worm??? Who?? Who?? You taico maa....

Anonymous said...

Yar Kak Anne, no worries. Macam jauh je bunyik. From Jah to Anne. Tapi bagus la. Jah is mine, mine, mine! Hehehe. Tak kirela ada tambahan Worm ka, Handle Stroller ka, diri ini tetap the ever envy object of you non-Jahs and Jahs alike. Maybe from now on I should address myself as THE Jah. That would be.. more 'adequate'ly put. If I put THE kat depan, then no one can simply add a third name (i.e worm atau handle stroller), because THE Jah is both a noun and an adjective.

Sekian, wassalam....

Anonymous said...

hmmm...sounds good also..."THE JAH"
- kak anne the puppeteer

Tigress said...

Jah & Kak Anne,
I'm glad you guys have sorted out your domain name issue. For the record, you might not want to cross "The Jah", Kak Anne. Just take my word... and you might not want to ask questions either. (*shiver-shiver in fear*)

Anonymous said...

aiseyman...kak jah ni lain org la..ingatkan si minah handle stroller...huh...semalam terbang meeemang syiioookkkkk...